Contact me for speaking requests.
Contact me for speaking requests.

Terry Garner
Speaking Requests
Prior to writing the Magi Journey Trilogy, I wrote commentaries on both Isaiah and Judges, and recently completed an OT survery, “That You May Know – A Study of Signs, Wonders, and Fulfilled Prophecies”. I also have an extensive background in public speaking, having served as General Manager for both York International and Circor Valve China. I am the past president of the Norman United Way, a past member of the Norman Board of Economic Development, and taught in the College Ministry of Trinity Baptist Church for over fifteen years. If you have a small group, class, youth group, business organization, or other gatherings and would like to know more about Isaiah, Israel, Judah, the Assyrian, Babylonian, or Persian Empires and their role in God’s plan of redemption, or more about prophecy, judgment, redemption or the book series Magi Journey. I will deliver a PowerPoint presentation with illustrations, maps, and handouts. I will tailor the presentation to your needs and interests and will review it with you before delivery.
Contact for Speaking Requests
I will tailor presentations based on the content requested, the size of the group, and the length of the presentation.
Also, if you are interested in a deeper examination of Isaiah, I will present “A Weekend with Isaiah”, which you may schedule for Friday night and Saturday. This course will be a summary presentation on the entire book of Isaiah, with small group discussions. I will make this presentation anywhere in the continental United States.
Please complete the following form if you want me to speak at an event: